
St Francis of Assisi, Peacemaker, with birds
St Francis of Assisi, Peacemaker

Peace Farm is a peacemaking ministry that gives hospitality and healing to soldiers who are suffering as a result of their experiences with the military and war.

Pachomius, Francis of Assisi, and Ignatius of Loyola are among the soldiers who suffered and were cared for by peacemakers in their time of need. U.S. soldiers are currently in need of care, wounded from wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Peacemakers today are continuing to provide the healing soldiers need. Peace Farm believes the healing of war’s wounds can best happen by vulnerable soldiers being caregivers to vulnerable life; animals in need of love, crops in need of tending.

Caring for vulnerable life through nature’s cycles of birth and death can help transform painful military experiences. War’s dehumanization, anger, and violence are replaced with healthy grieving of loss, hurt, and death. The resurrection of these healthy emotions while caring for life brings peace. The peace Jesus brings is especially vital for our human community. It transforms hearts and communities. Jesus’ way of peace consists of communion, love, and creative healing power. These three ingredients serve as the vision for Peace Farm and for a world without war.

We join with you and all peacemaking pioneers who bring healing to those wounded by war. Please, contribute to our ministry to help fighters become farmers.