In the Gospel, we see a women dragged into the streets but who because of Jesus’ response, emerges from her enslavement. Emerging seems to describe the People of God. We are emerging in our discipleship because we are centering ourselves on the witness of Christ Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus’ life witness, as shown with the woman in the Gospel, shows he related in communion, he revealed a God of nonviolent love, and he expressed creative healing power. Centered on Christ, disciples are emerging from institutional christianity which tends to block Jesus’ witness. For example, institutional Christianity tends to relate via hierarchy not in communion as Jesus did. It tends to imagine God from atonement theology’s image, that of a wrathful deity who justifiably inflicts suffering, instead of accepting Jesus’ revelation of a loving God. Institutional christianity also tends to propose violence as a saving action for humanity rather than Jesus’ power to heal. The three non-Christian values are exemplified in institutional Christianity’s strange interpretation of God as an Almighty Hierarch who willed Jesus’ suffering on the cross because his violent death was the means of humanity’s salvation.
Emerging Church is beginning to realize Jesus never gave witness to institutional Christianity’s three harmful elements; hierarchy, atonement theology, and an ethic of violence (epitomized in the just war tradition). Nor did Jesus ever teach their strange interpretation of why he suffered and died on the cross. Where did these three elements come from? They came from Paul of Tarsus. How ready are disciples to accept that in the same way today’s Gospel shows Jesus freeing a woman targeted for death, he frees all humanity targeted for death by these three deadly elements?
People’s freedom from these elements can be likened to Michelangelo’s Slaves sculptures. One figure especially is still in the process of emerging from its earthen tomb. Disciples too are artists, centered on Christ, and are needed to help enslaved people emerge from the tombs encasing them. Our witness can do so. Jesus’ way of communion, love, and creative healing power are emerging as the way to free humanity.
Prayer: Source of All Beauty, illuminate and inspire us as artists.
Question: What holds me back from living Jesus’ full witness?
March 17, 2013 Gospel John 8:1-11 5th Sunday of Lent / Spring equinox heralding the Resurrection