
Love is Jesus’ commandment, “I give you a new commandment: love one another.” Jesus rarely spoke in terms of commandments and yet his teaching on love in the Gospel is presented in that manner. Jesus’ commandment would seem to warrant attention, especially from Christians. Certainly so from self-titled Christians enamored of Ten Commandments from the Old Testament. Self-titled Christians want to inscribe these old commandments onto monuments, courthouse plaques, school walls, or other government buildings. Why such an emphasis on Old Testament laws rather than Jesus’ way of love?

Jesus showed his way of love with people through all his encounters, especially difficult encounters. His difficult encounters were with people who loved old commandments. The old commandments have virtuous elements such as fidelity and truth. Unfortunately, if disobeyed their defenders believed Yahweh commanded them to kill the offenders. Those are two very different commandments; love, kill. Followers of Yahweh’s command to kill and people who were defenders of the old commandments killed Jesus. Jesus’ most difficult expression of love was thus the forgiveness he extended from the cross to his killers. His killers were people who loved and defended the Ten Commandments. People who love and defend the Ten Commandments today continue to harm the Body of Christ today (e.g. Roy Moore of Alabama). They call themselves Christians but they are not Christi-like. They are more Yahweh-like or Pharisee-like. They continue to believe that if old commandments are disobeyed they should obey Yahweh’s command to kill the offenders.

God’s love was shown by Jesus being a friend to people – especially those judged sinners – loving them, and healing them. God’s love in Christ Jesus was shared abundantly, nonviolently, and powerfully with wounded people, all the time, in his everyday relationships, and in world changing ones.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, as your love illumines the world may it illumine my heart.

Question: What are the difficult encounters and who are the people with whom I need to practice my commitment to love?

April 28, 2013 Gospel John 13:31-33a, 34-35 Fifth Sunday of Easter

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