
Jesus’ deep connection with nature is apparent in his parables. We see it this Sunday with his parable about the sower, the seeds, and the ground on which the seeds fall. The wise people listening know Jesus is speaking truths about nature as well as truths about humanity.

People who are wise are like nature. For instance, they take their time. They care enough to take the time to see, to hear, and to understand so as to nourish others. It is the same way with seeds and soil and seasons that take their time to nourish life. When we are in the presence of people and nature who take their time we feel at peace. Perhaps wise people are like nature because they like nature. Wise people like planting seeds and watching in awe as the miracle of life emerges. In the witness of the seed is the sharing of themselves. They like listening to birds as they sing to each other. In the song of a fragile bird is heard the concerns of our fragile brothers and sisters in the world. The sounds of both resonate within those who are wise. Wise people like participating in the gentle changing of the seasons. They come to understand the dyings and the risings that happen to us in this life. There is a shared nature, a shared energy flowing between the two. In that communion we can know peace. It is a dynamic peace in which something can be born.

It seems all creation is groaning as something is being born in this world. A longing for peace is emerging; it is beautiful, gentle, and it is in our nature as human beings as it was in Jesus’ nature. We who have let anxiety, frustration, or anger overtake our own peaceful nature seem to be resisting the whole world’s peaceful nature. Let us receive the invitation of nature. We who do so then need to invite those out of touch with the peace of nature back into communion with the beauty, vitality, and gentleness. May we all live from our own peaceful nature.

Prayer: Dear Creator, beauty surrounds us and we are grateful.

Question: What can I do to live in peace with my own nature and with nature itself?

July 13, 2014 Gospel Matthew 13:1-23 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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