
St. Lawrence, whose feast day is next week, fits well with Jesus’ teaching this Sunday; “the Community of God is like a treasure.” Lawrence lived in Rome and was a deacon among disciples (?225-258). He served his faith community by caring for those who were poor, distributing the goods of the community to people according to their need. His life in Rome was difficult. He lived during a time Roman officials, specifically Emperor Valerian, were targeting followers of Jesus’ Way with persecution. Lawrence’s friend, Sixtus, had recently been condemned to death and was executed; likely beheaded.

In addition to the officials wanting disciples dead, they also wanted any treasures they possessed. Therefore, when officials came to arrest church members and learned Lawrence handled the community’s finances, they singled him out for attention. As the story is told, the officials told Lawrence they would be back tomorrow and demanded that he produce for them the treasures of the Church. Lawrence gave them his word he would do so. When the officials returned the next day, Lawrence said to them “I have kept my world. Here are the treasures of the church.” He then opened the doors to the community’s gathering room for the officials to see a great number of poor, leprous, lame, and blind people as well as widows and orphans. “These are the treasures of the Church.” said Lawrence. Needless to say the officials were not amused. They led Lawrence away to be executed.

As in Jesus’ time, those of us who are poor recognize other poor people who love us as our treasure. Our gathering in communion to challenge the supremacy of wealth will be our church. Our doing so means we will experience persecution. And what of we who are not poor? Who or what do we recognize as our treasure? Will we ever experience even pushback let alone persecution for those we treasure?

Prayer: Lover of All, help us to treasure the least among us.

Question: What is the one treasure I seek and is it really worth my life?

July 27, 2014 Gospel Matthew 13:44-52 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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