Courting Vulnerable Service

Jesus witnesses a life of service and is urging it for others, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” Jesus’ witness is rejected by men who do not serve but instead rule. They will cause his violent death. He tells disciples this truth, he will “be handed over to men who will kill him.” Some disciples oddly begin “discussing among themselves” “who was the greatest.” In response, “Taking a child, Jesus placed it in their midst, and putting his arms around the child, he said to them, “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me.”

Rulers of the church will tell laity they are “servants of the servants of God.” Rulers of the state will tell citizens they serve to us to provide “equal justice under the law.” When are these rulers ever servants as is a nurse’s aide, immigrant farm worker, or nanny? When are they ever servants to those who are in anguish due to illness or hunger or being orphaned? Such servants are vulnerable and we do not rank them for greatness. In a similar way, we do not rank the greatness of a child. They too are vulnerable. Life is different for robed rulers of greatness. They are trained to rule over others, to exert harmful control. Rulers can make of others, including children, victims – meaning persons they sacrifice for the sake of their high office. Oddly enough, rulers, especially when challenged, will assert that it is they who are victims. For example, judges focused on rule are presently asserting that even if Christine Blasey was sexually assaulted, Brett Kavanaugh is the victim, impaired of greatness for his high office. Blasey and her anguish will not be received, in her vulnerability during this trial of conflict, she will not be served. Rulers find it especially difficult to be of service during conflict, when service is most needed. It is individuals who shun ego and willingly forego control that are most adept in conflict. They have learned how to be resilient with unwilled change; circumstances over which they had no control but within which they were creative. Among the most simple and yet life-altering experiences of creativity amidst unwilled change are those moments and years we share with a child, who will not be controlled. A child can be received, birthed, rambunctious, empowered, and nurtured, but not, if we are loving, controlled. Not for our whims nor our conveniences will they be controlled, and they tell us so with as wild a freedom as possible and as beautiful an innocence as we shall ever see. And we must not violate that child’s vulnerable service to us of that freedom and that innocence. We vulnerably serve them as we help them mature. We do so amidst controllers who will attempt to abuse their freedom and warp their  innocence. What havoc we wreak, what harm we do, when we steal from youth their loving and miraculous world. It is the theft Christine Blasey charges of Brett Kavanaugh. It is her vulnerable service we are presently receiving. It is her creativity, the creativity of all such women who are resilient within the unwilled change forced upon them in sexual assault. In their anguish, as they are able, they reveal to us the harm rulers do, specifically male rulers such as Brett Kavanaugh. As he has done great harm to Blasey, he has done great harm to women and children through court rulings favoring guns and for-plunder disease care. Will we ever receive women or children as Christ? Will we recognize Kavanaugh as one of Jesus’  community members, blithely courting greatness?  In his greatness Kavanaugh will continue putting his hand over women’s mouths, ripping off whatever slight legal protections they have, and forcing his originalist judicial philosophy onto them. He will do so as he drinks his beer in his exclusive clubs and it thus unlikely he will ever be a vulnerable servant.

“Immaturity comes from lack of knowledge That this sheltered woman was raised by. To not speak up against the man’s ways Lest to be served as an example Made to feel shame for being abused … He has found ways to use everything against you His demand seems right to the naked eye … Is it possible to deal a verdict with justice Will we ever be able to raise up our voices What ever can we do to survive this life Without forever losing against a terrorizer who thinks only he can be right.” (Frankii Fame – Family Law)

Prayer: Spirit, we are wise about rulers as we make the decision to be vulnerable servants.

Question: How do I show concerns about my greatness?

September 23, 2018     Gospel Mark 9:30-37     Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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