A Community of One Heart and One Mind

“The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common.”

Early disciples put their lives in jeopardy to create a community of love and thoughtfulness. They were constantly targeted by divisive supporters of the Roman Empire intent on destroying their community. Living as one heart and mind can be difficult in a U.S. Empire that is just as divisive and just as destructive. The U.S. culture divides people based on the value of white supremacy that is written into its Constitution. The Three Fifths Compromise, establishing human beings who are black skinned as being worth three fifths of human beings who are white skinned, endures. It is evident in political, financial, and theological attitudes and institutions that continue to discriminate, exclude, and indoctrinate based on white supremacy. Though the racial division is evident, able to be documented across systems, there are white people who are articulating that this nation’s current divisions are being caused by black people. One target of criticism is DEI – diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives being promoted in political, financial, and theological settings. Included in opposing these initiatives and identifying minorities, blacks especially, as divisive are members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, conservative Chris Rufo, billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackerman, billionaire Elon Musk, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and comedian Bill Maher. Repeating this past week words he has spoken previously, Maher stated, “I think now more than ever, we need to stop talking about the things that make Americans different from each other and start honoring the things that make us the same.” It matters “who wins the next election and outdated racial pandering is one reason Democrats lose elections.” “Even if you like identity politics this kind of thing is antiquated. The Democratic Party is very big on checking boxes and its very hard to imagine any ticket now on the Democratic side, just two white men.” “Is diversity more of a priority than merit?” Why does Mr. Maher pose diversity and merit as mutually exclusive? Is it because he identifies as white, the original identity politics that identified non-whites as inherently lacking merit, being “savages,” or “three-fifths” of a white man? It makes no sense for Maher to suggest the division of white supremacy is in the past and being replaced by the division of diversity while at the same time he asserts this next presidential election matters. Maher, like most people, knows the election matters because white supremacists like Trump and the GOP still identify non-whites as inherently lacking merit and are willing to discriminate against them politically, financially, and theologically. It matters because Trump and the GOP are so divisive as to be destructive. Trump and the GOP are still destroying the Fair Housing Act, the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Committee to Protect Journalists, the First Amendment, and are destroying DEI initiatives. Trump and GOP members are attempting to destroy the U.S. culture from becoming a ‘community of believers of one heart and mind,… holding everything in common.’  We can overcome that destruction by reimagining the groups we belong to and taking steps to create each one as a community of one heart and one mind.

“I can’t twist the truth, it knows no regulation Handful of senators don’t pass legislation And marches alone can’t bring integration When human respect is disintegratin’ This whole crazy world is just too frustratin’… you may leave here for four days in space But when you return, it’s the same old place The poundin’ of the drums, the pride and disgrace… Hate your next door neighbor but don’t forget to say grace And you tell me Over and over and over and over again, my friend You don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction.” (Eve of Destruction – Philippe Sarde / Jacqueline Taieb)

Prayer: Beautiful Spirit, guide us in Communion

Question: How am I sometimes fooled by the destructive nature of white supremacy?

April 07, 2024     Gospel John 20:19-31   Second Sunday of Easter

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