“When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.” “They began to speak in different tongues” yet “each listener heard them speaking in their own language.” Listeners “devoted themselves to… the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.”
Jesus experiences the Spirit as a power. He says ‘Yes’ to the Spirit from the very beginning. The Spirit drives him into the desert as he begins his ministry and he says ‘Yes’ to the experience. Led by the Spirit Jesus transcends temptations to his ego to satisfy personal needs, to use others to accomplish a self-oriented mission, and to sell his soul to gain worldly magnificence. Jesus says ‘Yes’ to the Spirit being upon him when he is sent to bring glad tidings to the poor and he transcends the anger of his listeners who object to his presumption. Jesus says ‘Yes’ to the Spirit being within him, empowering him to teach with authority, to cast out demons, and to heal all people sick with a variety of diseases. Jesus’ embodiment of the Spirit is the story of the Good News. Jesus says ‘Yes’ to a power flowing through him and outward to those he touches; lepers, a paralyzed man, a centurion’s servant, a widow’s son, a child, a woman with a flow of blood, a possessed boy, and so many more. Others say ‘Yes’ to the Spirit’s power flowing through them and they too teach with authority, cast out demons, and heal those who are sick, and they transcend complaints by disciples that they are not of their company. The power of the Spirit was always available to say ‘Yes’ to, by everyone. Jesus asks listeners to say ‘Yes’ to the power of the Spirit as he said ‘Yes’ when asking for help to stand before rulers and be given the words to say as they plot death. By the power of the Spirit that says ‘Yes’ to life, Jesus is Risen from death. He again shares the power of the Spirit to say ‘Yes’ when he Ascends. In Pentecost, the power of the Spirit and the power of a Spirit filled ’Yes’ expands across the world in all people.
“For some people the day comes when they have to declare the great Yes… It’s clear at once who has the Yes ready within them.” (C.P. Cavafy)
Prayer: Beautiful Spirit, you are our power.
Question: To what great ‘Yes’ is the Spirit calling me and am I ready?
May 19, 2024 Gospel John 20:19-23 Pentecost