
Ancient Israel is a small nation but demands great attention due to its War Lords writing of their supremacy over others as God’s “Chosen People,” “majestic, descendants of a “royal line.” Conversely, Jesus draws great attention due to gathering a growing people’s movement, The Community of God. He describes it in humble terms, “a mustard seed,” “the smallest of all the seeds”. But once it is sown, it springs up and becomes the largest of plants (and) all the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade.”

History repeats itself continually and at present around the world with attention being demanded by “Chosen People,” mostly European War Lords as well as U.S. Trump focused MAGA Militarists. They are escalating supremacy over ‘Unchosen People.’ Their two key points of agreement reflect their supremacy. One, is heralding violent masculine supremacy over subjugated femininity while denying human rights. (Trump – “when you’re a star” you can “grab ’em by the *****, you can do anything.” Milei – “I won’t apologize for having a penis. I shouldn’t feel guilty for being a white, blond, blue-eyed man.” “There were no 30,000,” denying the 1974-83 Lt. Gen. Peron led ‘Dirty War” on civilians. Sharia laws and anti-contraception laws.) Two, is opposition to immigration while they deny indigenous and/or refugee rights (Trump’s caging children at the Southern border and withdrawing legal protections of Indigenous people, lands, and wildlife. Most propose /enact anti-Muslim, anti-LGBTQ, anti-voting, and/or anti-birthright laws, especially for dark skinned brothers and sisters.) In the U.S., mainstream pundits give attention to a supremacists abilities to hire competent attorneys, to secure victory in his presidential run, and to gain independent voters, like those for Nikki Haley. We can wonder if Trump is seeking competency, even victory, though it would be convenient. Trump is likely seeking attention. Trump knows everything he, as a supremacist, does, gains him attention. It is how the system works. From ancient days to current, ‘Chosen’ War Lords operate a supremacist system to oppress ‘Unchosen People,’ and make demands for our attention. They demand we herald them as “majestic,” descendants of a “royal Line.” They demand we grant their God-given ‘Chosen People’ status over ‘Unchosen People’ they continue to oppress. War Lords, like Trump, the offspring of a crime syndicate War Lord, have always oppressed ‘Unchosen People.’ For all his crimes, Trump has never spent a day in jail. He likely will not. Even if he does, he will maintain the crime syndicate system of War Lords inside its walls, using gang members outside its walls to grant favors and ensure he stays the center of attention even there. Donald Trump never wanted the presidency. It has responsibilities, consequences. He only wanted the attention it gained him. He may still not want the presidency only its attention. The presidency may afford him the opportunity to escape from his criminal consequences. But that too can be gained in other ways. Trump can do what he has always done. He can tinker and toy with the system designed for personal connections and political favors while draining weaker opponents of resources by delaying business proceedings and court cases as he remains the center of attention. It is the attention designed by wealthy white men in a system they designed to give attention to wealthy white men.

Little attention over the years, but more of late has been given to people in the U.S. who are not supremacist ‘Chosen’ ones but instead oppressed as ‘Unchosen,’ African Americans. Unfortunately, laws protecting them and the truth of their history are being outlawed. Likewise attempts are being made to repeal a celebration of their freedom from the worst of wealthy white supremacist oppression, the Juneteenth Celebration. Even though the Civil War ended on April 9, 1865, it was not until June 19, 1865 that changes due to the January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation occurred. White supremacists would not have attended to that with the human beings they oppressed as slaves. Across history and the U.S. little attention has been given to humble people who, on a daily basis, forgive supremacists. African Americans are among the mustard seeds of our world. Seemingly small but growing, springing up and becoming the largest of people, humbling inviting all to come and join them in community. It has always been a fear of the ‘Unchosen’ and their communities that demands the attention of the ‘Chosen’ and the reason they are escalating their oppression.

Prayer: Beautiful Spirit, keep us humble and forgiving.

Question: What is the attention I give to people who are oppressed vs the attention I give to those oppressing them?

June 16, 2024     Gospel Mark 4:26-34    Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

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