Women are Truthful

Spending time this Advent with Mary, and women in general, we can discover women are truthful. We hear Mary sing a song from the Gospel of Luke, the Magnificat. The Magnificat is the classic rendition of speaking truth to power, but, since Mary is power, it is really about speaking truth to control, speaking truth … Continue reading “Women are Truthful”

Whatever Became of Sin?

Jesus was realistic about sin. However, he did not spend too much time or energy on the sins committed by common people. He spent more time and energy on the sins committed by rulers. Their personal and social sins caused far more harm – to the people. The harm was apparent to Jesus’s own body … Continue reading “Whatever Became of Sin?”


Jesus’ parables, in addition to being enjoyable and thought provoking, are a means to speak truth to privilege. This Sunday’s parable is one example. It is a long parable that tells a story about invited guests who reject a meal and kill servant messengers. It is basically an account of the destructive history of the … Continue reading “Whistleblowers”