Works of Serving

Jesus has just finished serving disciples at table, which has included washing their feet. He goes on to encourage them to continue his works, “Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these.” Jesus was a poor man who served … Continue reading “Works of Serving”

What is Being Asked of Us?

Jesus tells a parable to “the chief priests” about the “Kingdom of God,” symbolized as a vineyard. Two sons are asked to “go out and work in the vineyard.” Jesus likens one of the sons, who says “Yes,” to the work, but then does not do it, to the priests. Jesus likens the other son, … Continue reading “What is Being Asked of Us?”


St. Lawrence, whose feast day is next week, fits well with Jesus’ teaching this Sunday; “the Community of God is like a treasure.” Lawrence lived in Rome and was a deacon among disciples (?225-258). He served his faith community by caring for those who were poor, distributing the goods of the community to people according … Continue reading “Treasures”

Bread of Life

In the Gospel, Jesus is called the Bread of Life, meaning a source of nourishment shared for all. Jesus calls disciples to be nourishing as well. Helping to nourish people, physically and spiritually, is a basic ingredient of discipleship in Christ. As author Monika Hellwig wrote, disciples learned that to be true to Jesus they … Continue reading “Bread of Life”