
Joy was pouring forth from the disciples after Jesus’ Ascension. The disciples had known joy from the beginning of their time with Jesus. They enjoyed an intimate companion in Jesus. They enjoyed a deepening character within themselves. They enjoyed a continually expanding circle of friends. Included among their friends were persons who had been sick and were now experiencing the joy of being well, who had been blind and were now experiencing the joy of seeing. People were opening their minds and hearts to the joy of a loving and gentle God because they knew a loving and gentle Jesus.

Joy, the feeling of full happiness, has long been said to be the surest sign of God’s presence. It was present in disciples before Jesus’ Ascension and after. It seems, however, that after Jesus’ departure some disciples are characterized as fearful. While fear may have been periodically felt, as well as disappointment, or sadness, the disciples’ joy is also quite strong. Joy is the feeling the first disciples had because they were living in communion. They were thus able to transform a depressing culture that existed under hierarchy. It was not an easy cultural transformation. It was a culture that had killed their Jesus. It was a culture they knew might well kill them. We know now it did kill them, physically. We know it did not kill their joy. Early disciples were steadfast about embracing joy and rejecting fear. Fear is the worst part of a depressing feeling. It can produce a sense of absence, defensiveness, and death. The death may not come to us physically, but we will be dead nonetheless.

Which emotion, joy or fear, flows strongest from institutional Christianity these days. Which flows through us? Which emotion pulses through a person who calls themselves a Christian and yet has their finger on the trigger of a gun; as they put another human being in its cross hairs or train to do so? It is long past time for Christians to be leaders in Jesus’ movement for joy. We are called beyond depressing emotions like fear and any weapons mistakenly believed to relieve fear.

Prayer: Spirit of life, we feel a fullness of joy because you are our wellspring.

Question: Who are the joyful people in my life and what are the fears I need to overcome?

May 12, 2013 Gospel Luke 24:46-58 Feast of the Ascension; Mother’s Day

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