Healing Power

The Gospels record healing as a life-giving power Jesus shared with people. Among the people with whom he shared his healing power was a young man, the only son of a widow from Nain. As this Sunday’s Gospel relates, the young man had died. Jairus’ daughter and Jesus’ friend Lazarus were two other individuals who died and are recorded as receiving Jesus’ gift of healing power. Jesus’ life-giving power was more commonly extended to healing people living with infirmities. He healed lepers, those who were blind, deaf, possessed. Jesus’ disciples are recorded as receiving his gift of healing power and continue to share it with those in need.

Peter, for example, healed the lame beggar who sought help at the temple gate “called Beautiful.” (Acts 3:1-11) Paul healed various people including the man at Lystra and later Publius. (Acts 14:8-11 and 28:7-9) Phillip went to Samaria and healed “many who had been paralyzed and lame.” (Acts 8:5-8) Disciples of Jesus down through the centuries who received his gift of healing power and shared it with others include Jude Thaddeus, Cosmas and Damian, Benjamin, Macarius, Theresa and Paulinus of Nola, Hildegarde of Bingen, Martin de Porres, and more recently Francis Xavier Seelos, John Christopher Blumhardt, and Agnes Sanford.

Healing is in the nature of discipleship as it is in the nature of humanity. It is the way of life to which physicians, nurses, and others in medicine give themselves. Our world reflects the gift of healing power. The waters of Lourdes, St. Non’s, and Mother Cabrini’s Spring reflect it. Healing power is apparent in people and places devoted to Saints Jude, Dymphna, and Martin of Tours. A listening heart, the touch of one who loves us, as well as the prayers and presence of friends are all a reflection of healing power. They are ours for the asking and the giving.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, may my life, like yours, flow with compassion and healing.

Question: What is my experience of healing power?

June 9, 2013 Gospel Luke 7:11-17 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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