Are you the only person who does not know of the things going on in the U.S.? Are you the only one unaware of all that is taking place in these times? Christian priests and pastors are guilty of sex abuse. Christian leaders are building million dollar mansions for themselves. Christian lawmakers are refusing to provide workers a living wage. Christian politicians are spreading fear, the very emotion Jesus got rid of. Christian business owners are advocating gun violence as a solution to gun violence. Christian gatherings are turning away people who are poor, sinners, outcasts, and more – all people Jesus welcomed.
How foolish we are. We convince ourselves the title Christian is magic. We who title ourselves with Christian wave it as a wand. It magically divinizes all we wave it over; over domination, suffering, and violence as if doing so makes them all holy. We miss the truth that Christian means Christ-like. We miss the truth that Jesus Christ rejected domination, suffering, and violence. Those qualities are devised by the religion of Militarism. Militarism is the religion that murdered Jesus. It spread its domination, suffering, and violence over him driving him onto the cross and into the tomb. And Jesus rose from both. We rise from them as well when we become Christ-like and follow his way. Jesus’ way replaces all of Militarism’s pain and death. Jesus came to bring life. We do too. We experience new life when we break bread together. When we join in the common good being created among peaceful Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Mormons, Jews, Sikh’s, atheists, and so many more. When we support the people whose love for humanity has them devoting their lives to Oxfam, Habitat for Humanity, and Restorative Justice . We experience new life in the people whose healing touch comes through Doctors Without Borders, National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, Feminists for Life, and Not Dead Yet.
Do not our hearts burn within us as we are opened to new life?
Prayer: Spirit of Fire, let my heart burn within.
Question: How can I open up new life for others?
May 4, 2014 Gospel Luke 24:13-35 Third Sunday of Easter