The Myrrh of Artificial Intelligence

The Gospel of Matthew includes a story of Magi, wise ones who seek a child, “We saw his star rising.” They offer “him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” The story is told to link with an Old Testament story but erroneously so, for it tells of warriors who seek plunder, “all shall come bearing … Continue reading “The Myrrh of Artificial Intelligence”

Consistent Ethic of Life: Human Rights

“After Pilate had Jesus scourged, he handed him over to be crucified. Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus.. and gathered the whole cohort around him…  and threw a scarlet military cloak about him and… kept striking him on the head… and led him off to crucify him… (at) a place called Golgotha —which … Continue reading “Consistent Ethic of Life: Human Rights”

What Is The Sin of the World Jesus Takes Away?

“John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.’” What is the sin of the world? For millennia religious rulers have claimed the sin of the world is disobedience to a Supreme Lord who thus requires payment and death. The religious … Continue reading “What Is The Sin of the World Jesus Takes Away?”

When Does Life Begin?

Jesus’ listeners choose to dehumanize Samaritans. Jesus knows this when he is teaching, “Love God… and love your neighbor as yourself.” Thus, when a listener asks, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus asserts, It is “a Samaritan.” Choosing to dehumanize human life is an element of the ancient and still prevalent religion of Militarism. The religion … Continue reading “When Does Life Begin?”

Feast on Spirituality Fast from Religion

The warrior Moses is a member of the religion of Militarism. Militarism lauds  warriors and the warrior deity they invent, who, for his Chosen People, inflicts godly suffering on an enemy, and kills them. For example in ordering the sufferings of the Plagues, and killing the enemy’s first born children in the 10th Plague. Members … Continue reading “Feast on Spirituality Fast from Religion”

The Universal Soldier

Jesus encourages looking at ourselves truthfully when tempted to be critical of others, “Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own?” “You hypocrite!” “Remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter in your brother’s … Continue reading “The Universal Soldier”

Healing Mandates

Jesus has been healing people in many villages but not in his own. Locals question why he can’t “do (healing) here in your native place.” Jesus proposes it is their lack of faith. He names two Gentiles from their Old Testament stories who, unlike them, did believe and were healed. “When the people in the … Continue reading “Healing Mandates”

Midwife: To Stand With Life

Midwives ‘stand with’ women who are with child. Midwives guide women in bringing beautiful new life to birth. Elizabeth acts as a midwife to Mary of Nazareth. She guides her young cousin most especially in a spiritual way. One example is by Elizabeth receiving Mary and her baby with great joy. Mary, as any young … Continue reading “Midwife: To Stand With Life”

An Eve and A Day for Saints

In the Old Testament “Moses spoke to the people, saying, “Fear the Lord, your God, and observe… all his statutes and commandments.” In the Gospel when a scribe who is a follower of Moses asks Jesus about Moses’ commandments, Jesus does not tell people to “Fear.” He tells them only to “Love.” To those who … Continue reading “An Eve and A Day for Saints”

Lording Nuclear Annihilation

Two of Jesus’ followers desire the glory of rule and ask him, “Grant that in your glory we may sit one at your right and the other at your left.” Jesus then summons the others and says to them, “You know that those who are recognized as rulers lord it over them, and their great … Continue reading “Lording Nuclear Annihilation”