Sensible Gun Control

“In those days, the LORD said: “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great, and their sin so grave,” I am set to “wipe out the place.” Abraham begs his Lord, “Will you spare the place for the sake of the innocent?… if there are fifty,” “forty,” “ten?” Unfortunately, Abraham learned the Lord will … Continue reading “Sensible Gun Control”

Feast on Spirituality Fast from Religion

The warrior Moses is a member of the religion of Militarism. Militarism lauds  warriors and the warrior deity they invent, who, for his Chosen People, inflicts godly suffering on an enemy, and kills them. For example in ordering the sufferings of the Plagues, and killing the enemy’s first born children in the 10th Plague. Members … Continue reading “Feast on Spirituality Fast from Religion”


Hungry people are the concern of the readings from this First Sunday in Lent. First, there are the hungry people fleeing Pharaoh into the desert. Their hunger is satiated by manna and, eventually, after fighting divisive and destructive wars for it, by a “land flowing with milk and honey.” Next, there is the hungry Jesus … Continue reading “Hunger”

Violating Borders

Sunday’s first reading uses a dominating tree to symbolize Yahweh’s protected empire and the submission all will one pay to the deity, “Every tree of the field will know that I am the Lord.” Jesus has no interest in empires, their borders, or their violent warlords who protect and sanctify it all. He acts to … Continue reading “Violating Borders”