Passing On

Jesus was always passing on to others who he was and what he knew. It is true in the testimony of his Ascension relayed this Sunday. He was always passing on his welcoming and creative Presence so that people felt such Presence within them. He was always passing on what he knew of the Way of communion, love, and healing so that people shared that Way with others. Jesus’ passing on helps us when others are passing on.

Jesus’ passing on, even in death, is always a testimony to life, a witness to rebirth. Jesus’ passing on, as is true of the passing on of any loved one, isn’t about an accentuation of distance but rather a realization of transformed intimacy. When our loved one passes on we do not commemorate an historical existence but renew a shared commitment to love. The intimacy felt and the commitment lived endure through the sorrow we feel. They endure because we accept that our loved one is passing on. We too are passing on; always. We are always passing on who we are, giving of ourselves and what we know to others. We let our passing on in life be our passing on in death, a gift to others. Let that too be a passing on of all that is miraculous in our lives.

“It is possible and imperative that we learn a brave and startling truth and when we come to it … We must confess that we are the possible, we are the miraculous, the true wonder of this world.” Maya Angelou

Prayer: Ascending Spirit, we live in full Presence and share wisdom.

Question: What am I passing on?

June 1, 2014 Gospel Matthew 28:16-20 Ascension / Seventh Sunday of Easter

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