Friday to Sunday

A story is often told us but it is a false one: a supreme being is angry with a sinful humanity and wills their deserved suffering and death. The story is told by an ancient and extremely influential religion, Militarism. Militarism has a long history of projecting its War Lords into the heavens as deities. Doing so sanctifies their ruling, torturing, and murdering people. Militarism’s influence within Christianity is apparent in the false story told of Jesus’ torture and murder. An almighty ruling Father god who is wrathful and just requires Jesus suffer and die on the cross to save humanity. Jesus’ murder becomes salvific with his Resurrection peripheral.

For followers of Jesus’ Way, his Resurrection is at the core of our faith. Followers understand there will always be Militarists – supremacists always willing to justify the suffering they inflict and the violence they do. More importantly, we understand there will always be common people, loving others, and healing our world. There will always be people willing to transform Militarism by sharing communion, living in loving service, and practicing creative healing power. Therefore, though a militarized institutional christianity will always exalt War Lords such as Yahweh, Moses, King David, David Petraeus, and Chris Kyle, peacemakers will lift up saints of the Resurrection. Within the few days surrounding Easter this year we can celebrate the lives of Meister Eckhart, Thea Bowman, Mother Maria Skobstova, Martin Luther King, Pamdita Ramabai, and Andre and Magda Trocme. Though Militarists persist in spectacles of violence and death such things will always be transformed by peacemakers witnessing healing and rebirth.

A reality is eternally experienced and it’s a true one – a commoner in communion with all humanity reveals love as our shared nature, creative healing power as our salve-ation. Happy Resurrection!

Prayer: Spirit of rebirth, may our human family be free of violent death and full of renewing life.

Question: What springtime activities that bring forth new life am I up to this season?

April 5, 2105 Gospel John 20:1-9 Easter

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