How Could Jesus Predict This Generation’s Terrorism?

Jesus predicts terror in much of Mark’s 13th chapter read this Sunday. The terror has an overall and particular infliction to it. Overall, the terrorism is the pain inflicted by every generation’s Militarist rulers. In particular, such terrorism will soon be directed against Jesus who will be tortured and murdered. Also against disciples. Jesus’ predictions of terror conclude with predicting Divinity’s healing response; his Resurrection. He says, “you will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory … Amen, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place.” Jesus was telling his generation they would see his suffering and death but so too they would see that violence healed in his Resurrection. (cf Mt 24:34; Luke 21:32; Mt 16:27-28; Mt 26:63-64; Acts 7:55-60) Disciples understand they too will be targeted by Militarist with terrorism. They also understand they are responsible for extending a healing response. It comes with belief in Jesus.

Some people don’t believe in Jesus. They don’t believe in his first coming, his birth. They don’t believe it was an experience of Divinity as a healing power. Similarly, some people don’t believe that after Jesus was murdered by Militarist he came a second time, his Resurrection. They don’t believe that it too is an experience of Divinity as a healing power. Some of the nonbelievers in healing power call themselves Christian, meaning Christ-like. Some, to the degree they believe in inflicting pain and either support or commit murder, could also be referred to as terrorists. The terrorism they spread is overall – it is the pain inflicted by every generation’s Militarists. One current self titled christian and terrorist is Michele Bachmann. She is a Minnesota congressperson and was a 2012 Presidential contender. She is like other many other self titled christians; she believes in the War Lord Yahweh. She does not believe in Jesus. She certainly does not believe in his healing power. Overall, she and her cohorts believe in terrorism. They believe in the terrorism of guns, the death penalty, austerity cuts, and war. They also believe in shaping Jesus in their own image and likeness. Thus, they also, in particular, believe Jesus is coming back as the lead terrorist in a great war. They call this great war Armageddon which they believe will be the destruction of the entire world. While in the Middle East this past week Ms. Bachmann revealed her belief in terrorism and disbelief in Jesus. Addressing the area’s terrorism she errantly spoke of “the shortness of the hour” – “(W)e’re seeing the fulfillment of scripture right in front of our eyes.” – “help bring in as many as we can — even among the Jews…because, again, Jesus is coming soon. Ms. Bachman is anxiously awaiting the terror she believes Jesus will bring. She is willingly participating in the reign of terror the U.S. is currently unleashing in the Middle East. Other terrorists from the Middle East are also spreading terror across the land, most recently in Paris. Others who believe in terrorism will respond to the Paris terrorism with terrorism. Thus, Jesus predicts this age’s terrorism as he predicts all age’s terrorism spawned by every generation’s Militarists.

Let all who believe in healing power express their unqualified shock and profound disgust at the loss of life, community, and safety resulting from this generations latest terrorist attack. Let us shed tears but no further blood in response for we are capable of healing responses instead. We are called to exercise them for this generation. Nonbelievers in the power of healing who believe in terrorism and predictably spawn it across all generations of the world are a minority – 1 Reagan, 1 bin Laden, 19 hijackers, 1 Bush/Cheney cabinet, 1 Assad, 1 Jihadi John. Unfortunately they can be given majority control by we millions who acquiesce to their terrorism. No more. Let all people instead rise up with a multitude of healing responses.

Prayer: Spirit of healing, help us be honest about our circumstances and powerful about the healing response we can offer.

Question: In what ways do I need to resurrect my faith in humanity?

November 15, 2015 Gospel Mark 13:24-32 Thirty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time

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