Are We Friends With the Deep?

Jesus ventures into deep waters in this Sunday’s Gospel and wants us to come along. He begins on the shoreline teaching a variety of people who have come to listen to him. They keep pressing in so that he eventually gets into Peter’s boat off shore and teaches from slightly greater depth. He ventures still further while telling Peter: “Launch yourself into deep waters.” Peter’s decision to launch himself into the deep is meaningful. It is of greater benefit than to himself alone, rippling out to others.

We see the rippling effect among the Society of Friends (Quakers) who regularly launch themselves into the deep. Friends frame their lives in deep silence. Their gatherings are not centered in church buildings, ministers, rituals, or liturgy. They are centered in deep contemplation with an openness to inspiration by the Spirit. Gatherers do not proscribe dogma nor do they direct others as to their lives. Rather, Friends attempt to give voice to that which the Spirit is authoring within them. Friend Parker Palmer, through many books and essays, has been authoring a deep inner life and has subsequently been reaching out to others authoring a deep and rippling outer life. He is an exemplar of integrating personal prayer and social participation. In one book, Healing the Heart of Democracy, Palmer describes the human heart as the first home of democracy. It is where we plumb the depths of disturbing questions and conflicting concerns and draw them to the surface for resolution. It is where insight and wisdom are born that enable us to live a deep heartfelt communion both within ourselves and with others. It is a home so dearly needed in our time and in our place.

Are we fathoming those depths within, listening to our deep selves? If we are not, how can we do so? Can we, deep within and with others, integrate that which feels marginalized; welcoming any parts of ourselves that feel alienated? To the degree we are doing so within is the degree to which we will do so with others. Can we bring our whole selves to the mirror and to the world and trust others into the same inner reflections, into the same social participation? Let us create of ourselves, and of our communities, friends who risk launching ourselves into the deep.

Prayer: Rippling Spirit, launch us into being the deep people this world needs.

Question: What are the shallow waters I need to leave behind for the deep waters that are calling to me?

February 7, 2016 Gospel Luke 5:1-11 Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time

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