Left Behind or Progressing Forward

Jesus is progressing forward in his mission of peace in this Sunday’s Gospel. He travels into Samaria which some of his followers think is enemy territory. After some Samaritans reject Jesus, two of his followers ask him, “Do you want us to call down fire from heaven against them?” Jesus lives and teaches love of enemies and therefore, “Jesus turned and rebuked them” for desiring violence against enemies. To progress forward with Jesus means things of the past must be left behind; actions to divide, demean, destroy. He repeats this truth with people who say they want to join him in progressing forward but cannot let the past be left behind: “No one who looks to what was left behind is fit for the Community of God.”

It is disturbing that some self-titled christians today and even institutional christianity, reject Jesus’ Gospel witness. They instead think others are their enemies and they can call upon a god to rain down fire on those enemies. They have progressed so far in their desire for violence that they hope their god will rain down fire on the entire world without them being left behind in it. They are not progressing forward with Jesus and have instead it is Jesus they have left behind. They have left Jesus behind in favor of the religion of Militarism. It is a religion whose military values Jesus left behind; values to divide, demean, destroy. Jesus left behind military dominion that divides people into friend and foe to progress forward with Communion. Jesus left behind military justice that inflicts suffering on people whose humanity is demeaned  to progress forward with compassionate Love. Jesus left behind military deviance that sanctifies destroying life to progress forward with Healing Power to be creative in life. Institutional christianity has left behind Jesus.  The truth that Jesus and his mission of peace have been left behind was especially apparent this past week. Jesus was left behind when ordained Southern Baptist minister Mike Huckabee lent his support to a divisive Donald Trump and his divisive immigration plans. Jesus was left behind when pastors Franklin Graham and James Dobson once again demeaned our LGBTQ brothers and sisters who are doing their best to love. Jesus was left behind when Jerry Falwell Jr. president of Liberty University, gave his support to the destruction of life by wearing a gun during church services and bragging he does so. Each man is proof that as they practice their religion of Militarism, Jesus is left behind.

Progressive simply means to walk forward. Progressive people walk forward in Communion, Love, and Creative Healing Power. Those trying to progress forward include Shane Claiborne, Katie Jo Brotherton, and their Simple Way community in Philadelphia. In that city’s divisiveness against those who are poor they gather people for Communion around meals, urban gardening, and a swap store. Rob Bell is trying to be a progressive by revealing atonement theology’s wrathful deity as demeaning and in his book, Love Wins, centering seekers on Love. Jim Wallis and the Sojourners community amidst a U.S. Empire sanctifying every form of violence, are progressing forward with every form of Healing Power, “We are unapologetically pro-life. We advocate for a consistent ethic of life, a holistic respect for all life.”

Prayer: Spirit of Peace, you are our guide as we progress forward.

Question: What is it about communion, love and healing power I have left behind?

June 26, 2016 Gospel Luke 9:51-62 Thirteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time

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