In the Light of Wise Women

Jesus tells a parable about foolish women and wise women in the context of a wedding. The women are waiting in the approaching darkness for the coming of the bridal party. Some have brought no oil for their lamps, others have. The foolish women are not prepared for that which lies ahead and remain in the dark. The wise ones are prepared and have brought light to see them through. The wise women have given thought to their responsibility, have reflected upon and gathered what they need, and are ready to act.

What is the responsibility of wise women today? Is it anything less than to change the world? We are currently changing the world’s routine and institutionalized sexual assault. It is normalized across political, financial, and theological systems. Wise women are lighting their lamps. They are standing up to the Trumps, Weinsteins, CEO’s, and priests of the world who irresponsibly devise a world of sexual predation. Women have gathered their experience and their voice and are acting for the truth in word and deed. Acting for the truth in word, wise women are changing the minimizing language that is assigned to assaulting behavior. Such behavior is not “locker room talk,” or “boys being boys,” or “inappropriate.” Such behavior is dehumanizing and can be criminal. Acting for the truth in deed, wise women are changing the responses and the laws on sexual assault. In addition, wise women, like their Gospel counterparts, are not enabling fools. Fools do not know they are foolish. Nor do they know others are wise. The five foolish women in the Gospel did not notice the preparations of the wise nor did they appreciate them. The darkness elicited no regret, no reflection, nor humility. It elicited only selfishness – as fools care only for themselves. The foolish ones reacted to the darkness by making demands for themselves from the wise – share your oil. Current fools include those who have enabled the darkness of sexual predators. Some enablers are still selfish, claiming wisdom after the fact while demanding attention to their situation. It is the case with assistants, male and female, to Hollywood predators like Weinstein. It is the case with the foolish Trump enablers Howard Sterns and Robin Givens, the Billy Bushes, entire campaign staffs, and so too the fools who will need to explain to their sons and especially their daughters, why they knowingly voted for a sexual predator as U.S. president. It is the foolishness of complicit priests and bishops, as well as the athletic directors, campus officials, news room bosses, publicists, colleagues, think tank directors, Senate staffers, and so on. Wise women do not hand over their power, certainly not to abusers or fools. Wise women are instead acting as leaders to stop the harm abusers and their foolish enablers do.

As strongly as wise women are acting for their own personal survival, they are just as strongly acting for our community’s flourishing. Flourishing, growing fully and freely, happens when a toxic environment is brought out of the darkness, as is happening to this U.S.’ toxic culture. It is being transformed into a light seeking environment.

Prayer: Spirit, we are Light able to see through any darkness

Question: What are the toxic environments I need to transform?

November 12, 2017 Gospel Matthew 25:1-13 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

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