The Challenge to Change Society

The Old Testament reading from Isaiah concerns the people’s infidelity. There is a question as to whether or not they can change and be faithful, especially in times of trial? One voice affirms that ability, “I have not rebelled, I have not turned back.” Personal encouragement to change in order to be faithful, especially in times of trial, is adapted as a primary message of the 40 days of Lent. Jesus spent 40 days being faithful and faced a trial in the desert. He then spent 3 years being faithful and faced trials throughout his life.  In Sunday’s Gospel he faces his greatest trial, his torture and death

People who participate in Lent liturgically are encouraged to be faithful to change from personal vices such as infidelity, addictions, and stinginess to personal virtues of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. The challenge for personal change however is rarely matched by the challenge for social change, at least from institutional Christianity.  Where are the equivalent virtues of social change through gathering humanity into communion, nurturing a civilization of love, creating a culture of life? The lack of encouragement for Christians to create social change is especially peculiar since Christ Jesus may be regarded as history’s most radical social change agent. He challenged War Lords and their deities who divide, conquer, and destroy. Jesus’ story includes a man, Judas, who could not keep faith in a time of trial and turned him over to the War Lords. They put Jesus on trial, ordered his execution, and murdered him.  Jesus was not murdered in a back alley by an individual criminal thug. He was murdered on public display by Lords of the empire for being a challenge to their social system. Then and now empire brandishes murderous weapons and expects from well trained, personally pious persons social compliance. But peacemakers are followers of a radical social change agent. For social change we rally, teach, leaflet, conscientiously object, create alternatives, and especially today, we March For Our Lives. We challenge empires to change. We will be persecuted for it and we will remain faithful in this our time of trial.

“The spear that pierces and the side that bleeds, The lips betraying and the life betrayed; The deep hath calm: the moon hath rest: but we Lords of the natural world are yet our own dread enemy. Is this the end of all that primal force Which, in its changes being still the same, … Nay, nay, we are but crucified, and though The bloody sweat falls from our brows like rain Loosen the nails – we shall come down I know, Staunch the red wounds – we shall be whole again, No need have we of hyssop-laden rod, That which is purely human, that is godlike, that is God.” (HUMANITAD – Oscar Wilde)

Prayer: Beautiful Spirit, our inner courage is to keep faith in this time of social trial.

Question: What is the social change I am challenged to make happen?

March 25, 2018 Gospel Mark 14:1 – 15:47 Palm Sunday / The Passion

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