Trimesters: Preparing

I am waiting in fullness. I do not lie in wait, to hurt. I am not waiting on guard; anxious something will be done to me. I am waiting in fullness. The fullness of life is stirring within me. I am waiting in preparation. I am preparing the way for fullness to be born. I nourish my body and he senses ever more, with his eyes and his ears. I open my mind to learn and his brain continues to develop. I take in water and his kidneys mature. I breathe in the beauty of living and his lungs branch out. He radiates heat and I feel hot. He presses on me and I feel urges in my bladder, my veins. He grows and I feel swelling in my ankles, my hands; I see stretch marks on my belly. He is readying to depart and I feel contractions in preparation. We are preparing to bloom as flowers bloom. We are the splendor of God. We, mother and child, witness of what is to come. John the Baptist speaks of what is to come in my son. John “prepares the way” for the coming of the Christ-child. We, mother and child, witness of what is to come in all humanity. We “prepare the way” for the coming of every child as the Christ-child. Every child shall be received as anointed by God. Every child is born for communion, for love, for healing power. We are waiting. All mothers are waiting in preparation. We are preparing our wombs, our baby, our world, for a new way.

Prayer: Spirit of Life, we receive all children as Christ.

Question: In my waiting, what is it for which I prepare?

December 11, 2022      Gospel Matthew 11:2-11       Third Sunday of Advent  

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