Trimesters: Birthing

Joseph is loving, attentive, especially so on our forced journey. I am making the journey on the back of donkey and it is so very hard on my body. He is patient, tending to me every time I have to get off the donkey and attend to my body’s needs. He touches my belly and … Continue reading “Trimesters: Birthing”

Trimesters: Planning

Some things I planned. I planned to take care of myself, always, even from a young age. Thus, I planned to take care of my babies. I have spoken with older women who have already had babies – rather – they have spoken with me. I have listened. They wanted to share their wisdom and … Continue reading “Trimesters: Planning”

Trimesters: Preparing

I am waiting in fullness. I do not lie in wait, to hurt. I am not waiting on guard; anxious something will be done to me. I am waiting in fullness. The fullness of life is stirring within me. I am waiting in preparation. I am preparing the way for fullness to be born. I … Continue reading “Trimesters: Preparing”

Trimesters: Growing

When the soldiers who write our history tell us of the “shoot that shall develop from the stump of Jesse,” they are telling us of a warrior, David. The warrior is proclaimed as our savior. The man of war will fight for justice, slay the wicked, and thus save us. But warriors will never save … Continue reading “Trimesters: Growing”

Trimesters: Knowing

The Roman rulers and their soldiers who occupy our village, brag openly of knowing. They know their control for warmaking and the deaths war spawns. We women know too. We know our power for lovemaking and the life we hold close, deep within us during these first weeks. We know of the life we generate … Continue reading “Trimesters: Knowing”