Ordering the End of the World

Paul of Tarsus writes of his belief about the end of the world and an afterlife, “in Christ all shall be brought to life, but each one in proper order.” For Paul that order means “when everything is subjected” to the supremacy of chosen faithful and then to God. When Jesus speaks about the end of the world and an afterlife he subverts the Old order, “Inherit the kingdom prepared for you.” “For I was hungry and you gave me food, thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” But, “when did we see you” in such condition?  “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least, you did for me.”

Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, and institutional christianity, whose primary founder is Paul of Tarsus, teach a violent end of the world. Hinduism teaches Kali Yuga. It is the age of the demon which will bring “famines and floods” and “incessant wars causing destruction of lives.”  “After the dissolution of the universe… that disappearance of all things is called by the learned to be Universal Destruction” – except for the most devoted who survive the violence. Judaism teaches the Day of the Lord. “The LORD of hosts is mustering an army for battle… instruments of his wrath, to destroy all the land. Howl, for the day of the LORD is near; as destruction from the Almighty it comes.”  “On that day the mourning in Jerusalem will be as great as the mourning for Hadadrimmon in the plain of Megiddo” – except for the righteous remnant who survive the violence. Islam’s Quran too heralds a day of “Penalty to befall The Unbelievers… (A Penalty) from God… the sky will be like Molten brass… For it would be the Fire of Hell!… on a Day of violent Disaster” – in which the faithful survive the violence.  Members of institutional christianity have a pattern of ignoring Jesus’ teaching in favor of mimicking Paul’s beliefs about a violent end of the world. MAGA Republicans who call themselves Christ-like but are really Paul-like believe they are the chosen faithful to be taken first by God at the end of the world. Until then they believe they are the chosen faithful who will order the end of the world and reign until it comes. They show little to no concern as to seeing Christ in the least of their brothers and sisters. It is not kindness but cruelty that is increasingly marking their disposition. It is not care for the oppressed but belief they are the oppressed that is increasingly marking their point of view. It explains how they can worship a hedonist who has begun to teach a violent end of the world, Donald Trump. Trump does so for his own survival. Trump formally announced his 2024 presidential candidacy at Waco, Texas. Why Waco? It is the site where U.S. believers in violent ends (FBI, ATF) ordered violence against other U.S. believers in violent ends (Branch Davidians). The violence done 30 years ago in Waco has been hijacked by white supremacists like Trump and his MAGA followers to manipulate violent ends now. Trump is telling listeners, “2024 is the final battle.” “I am your vindication.” “I am your retribution.” We need to know that Trump and his white supremacist cohorts speak about violent ends because they believe in violent ends and are practitioners of violent ends.

“When you come, as you soon must, to the streets of our city, Mad-eyed… Spare us all word of the weapons, their force and range, The long numbers that rocket the mind; Our slow, unreckoning hearts will be left behind, Unable to fear what is too strange.” (Advice to a Prophet – Richard Wilbur)

Prayer: Spirit of Truth, keep us courageous with supporters of violent ends

Question: How am I engaging in wishful thinking about my world?

November 26, 2023              Gospel Matthew 25:31-46     The Solemnity of Christ the King

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