Gods of the Hunt

The New Testament reading is likely written by Paul or perhaps a follower to the people of Ephesus. It describes Paul being in prison. Paul is in prison because there are rulers who want him in prison. In today’s reading he is encouraging the people of Ephesus “to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace.”

The rulers of Ephesus, like all rulers, do not promote unity and peace but rather discord and warfare, as it is advantageous to them. What rulers really want is compliance. Specifically, the rulers of Ephesus want compliance around their ruler god of the hunt, Artemis, written by men as a female deity. Anyone who fails to comply to Ephesus’ god of the hunt, Artemis, will be made to suffer. As it was in Ephesus, so it is now in the U.S.  Anyone who fails to comply to the U.S.’s gods of the hunt, MAGA members, including Trump, will be made to suffer. Yes, democracy is in peril as militant MAGA gods are hunting it down. MAGA gods are hunting down and killing a commitment to truth, elections, a free and independent press and judiciary, an oath to office because it impedes loyalty to a cult leader, birthright citizenship, transparency, any public good that impinges on private plunder, and the peaceful resolution to conflict because guns enable MAGA gods to hunt down and kill the noncompliant. It is as MAGA god Timothy Muller recently said, “the guns will come out, and we’ll hunt you (expletive)s down and slaughter you like the traitorous dogs you are… The last thing you’ll ever hear are the horrified shrieks of your widow and orphans. And then you know what we’re going to do?… We’re going to slaughter your whole (expletive) family.” MAGA militants are distributing hunting licenses with every word they speak, every threat they level. Yes, Kamala Harris’ reputation is being threatened with lies about being a “DEI hire,” a “lefty lunatic,” “crazy,” “nuts,” “the bottom of the barrel.” But worse than democracy or reputations being threatened, Kamala Harris’ life is being threatened, targeted with threats of rape and death. Worse still, are the lives of vulnerable people being threatened by militant MAGA gods of the hunt. Human beings are in peril because MAGA gods are hunting down individuals who are homeless, trans persons, LGBTQ, Muslims, people of color, women, journalists, and community activists. Even disabled persons lives are in danger because MAGA gods are hunting them down and killing them, though with less spectacle. That hunt and kill is through administrative burdens, deconstruction of the Department of Education, and cuts to social services including Medicaid, job training, nutrition assistance, and affordable housing. Militant MAGA gods are deadly serious about hunting down and killing people. Are we as passionately serious about unity and peace?

Jesus actualizes unity and peace routinely, for example in today’s Gospel when he gathers people for a communion meal while they recline peacefully on a hillside. When the 5,000 people realize he has fed them from a boy’s 5 loaves and two fishes, they get the notion to “carry him off to make him a ruler (and) so he withdrew.” We live in unity and peace so long as we humbly withdraw from rule and its violent demands for compliance, certainly as devised by MAGA militants. Yes, Jesus is solving the problem of hunger. More so, Christ Jesus is solving the problem of violent authority, the standard operating procedure of the anti-Christ MAGA gods. Jesus is asking for our authority to nurture unity and peace, as he asked for it from disciples, “give them some food yourselves” (Mt 14:16, MK 6:37). He received that authority from the boy who stepped forward to share the nourishment he had.

Prayer:  Beautiful Spirit, inspire us to live with a passion for life.

Question: What is the nourishment of unity and peace I have to offer in this time of violence.

July 28, 2024      Gospel John 6:1-15      Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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