Y’all Don’t Know What White Privilege Looks Like

A young Samuel in today’s Old Testament reading believes he is being called and responds, “Here I am.” Andrew in today’s Gospel believes he is being called and responds by following Jesus who lives in and keeps building a community. It is natural to consider our lives and our life’s calling in individual terms – … Continue reading “Y’all Don’t Know What White Privilege Looks Like”

Killing Conscience is Killing Democracy

“Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed.” Jesus understands the killer ethics of the dictator class. They will kill him and will command subordinate soldier/slaves to do the deed. An extremely small number of very … Continue reading “Killing Conscience is Killing Democracy”

Wisdom: Conventional or Counter-cultural?

This Sunday’s readings are concerned with wisdom and its effects. Some of the wisdom is conventional, defined as conveying generally accepted beliefs, opinions, and judgments. It can be contrasted with true wisdom that counters convention. The two wisdoms meet in the Gospel. A conventionally wise rich young man who glorifies rulers, their wealth and laws … Continue reading “Wisdom: Conventional or Counter-cultural?”