Killing Conscience is Killing Democracy

“Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed.” Jesus understands the killer ethics of the dictator class. They will kill him and will command subordinate soldier/slaves to do the deed. An extremely small number of very … Continue reading “Killing Conscience is Killing Democracy”

Feast on Spirituality Fast from Justice

Rulers call out Jesus for being unjust, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” “So, to them, Jesus addressed this parable” of an unjust son who “squandered his inheritance.” Suffering the consequences, the Prodigal Son wisely returns home to a loving father. An older brother is angry about the father’s loving spirit. He wants … Continue reading “Feast on Spirituality Fast from Justice”

Being Afraid to Love is the Problem

Rulers judge Jesus is a problem and they target problem people with hostility. Jesus focuses on people as friends and is loving. It is therefore not Jesus nor his disciples who are the problem but rulers and their supporters. Thus, the encounter in today’s Gospel when a ruler, “a scholar of the law, tested” the … Continue reading “Being Afraid to Love is the Problem”

Belonging to Caesar

The ‘Chosen People’ of ancient Israel were defeated by Babylonian enemies and dreamed of rebuilding their empire. When Persia’s King Cyrus defeated Babylon, he furthered the Israelites’ realization of that dream and they acclaim him. Cyrus is thus contrived as an agent of Yahweh, “Thus says the Lord to his anointed, Cyrus.” “It is I … Continue reading “Belonging to Caesar”

Evangelicals Are Worse Than Judas

Jesus knows Judas is about to betray him to the rulers who will kill him. Jesus takes responsibility to reach out lovingly to Judas. He shares a communion meal with Judas. Jesus is honest and addresses Judas and his betrayal at the meal. Judas unfortunately goes through with the betrayal. However, we know Judas later … Continue reading “Evangelicals Are Worse Than Judas”

Being True

In this final week of the Easter season Jesus speaks of having been true to those given to him. He understands one, will not be true to him, Judas,  the “son of destruction.” “I protected them… and I guarded them, and none of them was lost except the son of destruction.” Jesus’ protecting and guarding … Continue reading “Being True”