Come, Let Us Kill Him

Jesus tells a parable of a “man who plants a vineyard” and “leases it to tenants” (chief priests and elders). When the man sends servants (peacemakers) and then his son (Jesus), to obtain the yield, the chief priests and elders do violence, ultimately colluding, “Come, let us kill him.” Colluding to kill is what rulers … Continue reading “Come, Let Us Kill Him”

Killing Conscience is Killing Democracy

“Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed.” Jesus understands the killer ethics of the dictator class. They will kill him and will command subordinate soldier/slaves to do the deed. An extremely small number of very … Continue reading “Killing Conscience is Killing Democracy”


“I let myself be duped,” acknowledges Jeremiah in the first reading. He knows who duped him, “You duped me O Lord.” Being duped by Lords, earthly ones who invent heavenly ones, is unfortunately rather common. Jesus in the Gospel is therefore educating disciples about Lords and not to be duped by them, “Jesus began to … Continue reading “Duped”

A Red Flag

Jesus is telling the crowds, “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.” Those listening quarrel at the thought. Who would not put up a red flag after that? A red flag is used to warn of danger. When Jesus speaks of … Continue reading “A Red Flag”

Why Do Some People Keep Killing Other People?

Abram is a man who believes many things. For example, he believes in a violent deity, “the Lord.” He believes that believing in the “Lord” is “credited to him as an act of righteousness.” He believes the “Lord” rewards his righteousness with “land as a possession.” He will gain a nation. Abram believes killing to … Continue reading “Why Do Some People Keep Killing Other People?”

Killing Fields or Fruitful Fields?

Jesus tells a parable about people in a vineyard who go on a killing spree. They “seized the servants and one they beat, another they killed, and a third they stoned.” “They treated (others) in the same way.” Then, “when they saw the son, they said, “Come, let us kill him.” The men kill because … Continue reading “Killing Fields or Fruitful Fields?”

Who or What Do We Cradle This Christmas?

Two life-giving women, Mary and Elizabeth, come together in this Sunday’s Gospel. They are cradling within and between themselves the power of life. They respond to each other from that power: “At the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy.” For Christmas to be a … Continue reading “Who or What Do We Cradle This Christmas?”