
The name Satan conjures up monstrous images; such as a maleficent horned creature robed in red. If rendered human, still the images are monstrous, conjuring up evil people. The word evil, however, was originally defined as an adversary. It could mean one was in league with the devil but that name too lacks the monstrous … Continue reading “Names”


Jesus is more playful than we might think. We see his playfulness in his many parables. He did not tell his parables to teach dogma. Dogma is not playful. Instead, he told his stories and used metaphors within them so that we might play with them. He offered characters and events to help us enjoy … Continue reading “Play”


Pentecost highlights Jesus’ impact on people’s sense of public place. Hierarchs – Roman officials and soldiers, high priests and Pharisees – forcibly controlled the place commoners were allowed to occupy in public life, if any. Hierarchs thus limited people’s ability to effect change. At Pentecost different people came together as one in public space. People … Continue reading “Together”

Seeing Christ

How did Thomas and the other disciples get along during this past week? Last week Jesus pulls quite the surprise by appearing to various disciples – except Thomas. Those who saw Jesus must have been experiencing a gamut of feelings; delight, stunned, perplexity, eager, awed, calm, … They shared all that they could of their … Continue reading “Seeing Christ”

From Death Unto Life

The power described of Jesus of Nazareth in the Gospel is astounding. So astounding it seems unbelievable. It is astounding enough that Jesus heals people’s ailing bodies. How is it to be believed, as today’s Gospel relates, that Jesus brings people forth into life after they have died? Can it be believed from our own … Continue reading “From Death Unto Life”


While in a small group as part of a Lenten spirituality program a participant asked, “Who is God for you?” Most people began to answer the question by saying, “I think that God is …” Thinking about God, thinking about the image we have of God, is very different than sharing our experience of God. … Continue reading “Transfiguration”

How Unbelievable is Our Belief?

The risks of giving birth are almost unbelievable. So many things have to go just right in the life of the growing baby and in the life of the mother. In the case of Mary of Nazareth she begins her birthing saga as an unwed mother. Joseph is initially a less than certain partner in … Continue reading “How Unbelievable is Our Belief?”


Fertility is one meaning of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It is recognized in the sash tied across Mary’s waist indicating she is pregnant. Mary’s feast fits well as a celebration during the Advent season when we are all awaiting new life. The feast celebrates the pregnant Mary’s fruitful appearance to a poor … Continue reading “Fertility”