Sin and Forgiveness

The Pharisee in Sunday’s Gospel shows no signs of love nor forgiveness but instead signs of being judgmental and unforgiving. The Pharisee judges a woman who bathes Jesus’ feet with her tears as a sinner, not to be forgiven. The Pharisee does not judge himself a sinner. He judges himself saved and thus not needing … Continue reading “Sin and Forgiveness”


Joy was pouring forth from the disciples after Jesus’ Ascension. The disciples had known joy from the beginning of their time with Jesus. They enjoyed an intimate companion in Jesus. They enjoyed a deepening character within themselves. They enjoyed a continually expanding circle of friends. Included among their friends were persons who had been sick … Continue reading “Joy”


Love is Jesus’ commandment, “I give you a new commandment: love one another.” Jesus rarely spoke in terms of commandments and yet his teaching on love in the Gospel is presented in that manner. Jesus’ commandment would seem to warrant attention, especially from Christians. Certainly so from self-titled Christians enamored of Ten Commandments from the … Continue reading “Love”