Educating for Lasting Peace

We learn from the story of the Magi that those who are wise seek out peacemakers to be educated by them, ‘We saw the child’s star rising… and have come to follow him.’ We learn from the story of Herod that those who are rulers target peacemakers and lie about being educated by them, ‘Go … Continue reading “Educating for Lasting Peace”

Bringing Home the Lost

When he was 12, Mary and Joseph lost Jesus. “They had journeyed for a day and looked for him among their relatives and acquaintances,” but could not find him. “They returned to Jerusalem to look for him. After three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, listening to … Continue reading “Bringing Home the Lost”

Giving Up War for Lent and for Life

The Old Testament reading recalls a flood experience, lasting 40 days. Its authors believed an ancient Lord, sparing Noah, justifiably waged war against life itself and “destroyed all mortal beings.” The Old Testament then shows war being continually waged by believers in the Lord; Moses, Joshua, David, and the like. The Gospel reading recalls a … Continue reading “Giving Up War for Lent and for Life”


“Let the scoundrel forsake his way,” says Isaiah. A scoundrel is a wicked person who causes division, for example, through supremacy. Jesus tells a parable about men working with others at a task but who then become scoundrels; ‘on receiving their fair wage they grumbled.’ They cause division by acting as supremacists over their co-workers. … Continue reading “Scoundrels”

Decorating Our Memories

The disciples were “all in one place together” when “tongues as of fire, parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Spirit and began to speak… as the Spirit enabled them.” They went out among people gathered together from all parts of the world, and they … Continue reading “Decorating Our Memories”

The Inchained

Jesus is disobedient to the rulers of his time; the “scribes and Pharisees,” so too “the Sanhedrin.” He will not be chained by them, made subservient to their divisive rules or system. He is free and encourages others to be free. He encourages people’s common unity; “be reconciled with your brother.” As agitating as the … Continue reading “The Inchained”

Civil War in a Divided Kingdom

Jesus’ many healings upset rulers, especially his exorcisms; the driving out of a demonic or divisive force. The rulers are upset because, in truth, Jesus is driving them out; their rule too is a demonic and divisive force. Rulers would drive us mad with their demonic divisiveness of priests over laity, bosses over workers, whites … Continue reading “Civil War in a Divided Kingdom”

Mothers Take the Lead

Jesus’ witness as a loving and strong leader is apparent in this Sunday’s Gospel. He tells community members, “Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love … This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down … Continue reading “Mothers Take the Lead”