Arresting Intelligence (AI)

Soon after Jesus’ murder, “two of his disciples were walking to a village seven miles” away and “were conversing about all the things that had occurred. And it happened that while they were conversing and debating, Jesus himself drew near and walked with them.” Disciples still converse about “all the things that had occurred” around … Continue reading “Arresting Intelligence (AI)”

How Bold Are We?

When the War Lords of the Old Testament invented a god, they did so in their image, one to be feared and obeyed, as they were. Their deity was contrived as loving but is observably abusive. Those obedient to/abused by the War Lords and their invented deity were to love but only their rulers and … Continue reading “How Bold Are We?”

Law and Order or Conscience and the Common Good

Jesus is accosted in Sunday’s Gospel by the ruling class. They are upset with his and disciples’ lack of appreciation for law and order. Law and order is frequently extolled, even made godly – by the ruler class. But it is not as beneficial as supposed. Law and order is another name for military justice. … Continue reading “Law and Order or Conscience and the Common Good”