
If you’re ever looking for Jesus just follow the crumbs. Throughout his life he was always sharing meals with people. He dined with Pharisees, tax collectors, and prostitutes as well as the various men, women, and children of the villages he visited on his journeys. After his Resurrection, as this Sunday’s Gospel relates, Jesus shares … Continue reading “Crumbs”

Salt and Light Within

While visiting lately with much older friends I heard them express feelings of sadness, even grief. They spoke tearfully of injustices and suffering in the world, specifically in the U.S. They had done their best to alleviate that suffering throughout their lives and saw significant change happen. Now, from walkers and wheelchairs, they were watching … Continue reading “Salt and Light Within”


Gratitude is showing appreciation, for life in general or for a kindness done to us or a benefit received. A leper shows gratitude in this Sunday’s Gospel. Jesus comes upon 10 lepers and tells them, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” It seems a fool’s errand. Priests do not receive unclean people but are responsible … Continue reading “Gratitude”