In Jesus’ time honor to parents, fathers specifically, was so highly valued male rulers sanctified it as a holy Commandment. In today’s Gospel Jesus tells a parable that shocks his listeners, “chief priests and elders” who are hypocritical keepers of that Commandment system of honor. It extols a son who publicly dishonors his father – … Continue reading “Are We People For All Time?”
Tag: conscience
Law and Order or Conscience and the Common Good
Jesus is accosted in Sunday’s Gospel by the ruling class. They are upset with his and disciples’ lack of appreciation for law and order. Law and order is frequently extolled, even made godly – by the ruler class. But it is not as beneficial as supposed. Law and order is another name for military justice. … Continue reading “Law and Order or Conscience and the Common Good”
Conscientious Authority
This Sunday’s Gospel shows Jesus’ local opponents colluding with Roman sympathizers. The Pharisees and the Herodians are colluding in a plan to trap Jesus. They use a tax question to set the trap. “Is it lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar?” Jesus’ response is commonly misinterpreted by self-titled Christians. Martin Luther famously misinterpreted … Continue reading “Conscientious Authority”
Jesus’ parables, in addition to being enjoyable and thought provoking, are a means to speak truth to privilege. This Sunday’s parable is one example. It is a long parable that tells a story about invited guests who reject a meal and kill servant messengers. It is basically an account of the destructive history of the … Continue reading “Whistleblowers”