Have We Done What We Were Obliged To Do?

Faith is generally understood as believing in a Supreme Being, and, perhaps, believing that because of our faith, that Supreme Being will do something for us. The prophet Habakkuk, in this Sunday’s first reading, has such faith and believes his Lord will do something for him, “O Lord, … I cry out to you.” The … Continue reading “Have We Done What We Were Obliged To Do?”

What Militarism Whips Up

Jesus’ clearing of the Temple in this Sunday’s Gospel is grossly misinterpreted. Militarists misinterpret it as an act of violence. The misinterpretation allows their religion, Militarism, to maintain its oppressive rule over humanity, our hearts and minds. Militarism has no regard for the peacemaker Jesus of Nazareth. In this misinterpretation and others, they mis-characterize, disrespect, … Continue reading “What Militarism Whips Up”

Independence From Violence

Independence from violence is the life witness of those who follow Jesus. In this Sunday’s Gospel, James and John are not yet giving witness to following Jesus. Samaritans have rejected Jesus. James and John want to “rain down fire” upon the Samaritans. Jesus rebukes both saying, “You don’t know of what kind of spirit you … Continue reading “Independence From Violence”