Taking Things Personally and Socially

Jesus is talking to people who are made “poor,” “hungry, and are “persecuted.” It is possible for these listeners to feel cursed and to become resentful over the pain done to them. But Jesus tells his “poor,” “hungry,” and “persecuted” listeners to know they are “Blessed” and to “Rejoice.” In one sense, Jesus is encouraging … Continue reading “Taking Things Personally and Socially”

Shaking Persecutors

Much of Isaiah affirms the persecution a just deity inflicts upon his Chosen People who have been disobedient. In its last chapter, Isaiah tells the Chosen People who have returned to obedience that “Everyone will see the LORD’s hand of blessing on his servants and his anger against his enemies.” Jesus’ Gospel obliterates that blessing … Continue reading “Shaking Persecutors”

Collective Consciousness

All people who challenge the status quo are made to suffer by those who uphold it. Jesus challenged it and was persecuted by the rulers of his day. Jesus knows they will kill him. When Jesus shares with disciples his consciousness of this timeless truth, they are confounded. However, they ask no further questions to … Continue reading “Collective Consciousness”


St. Lawrence, whose feast day is next week, fits well with Jesus’ teaching this Sunday; “the Community of God is like a treasure.” Lawrence lived in Rome and was a deacon among disciples (?225-258). He served his faith community by caring for those who were poor, distributing the goods of the community to people according … Continue reading “Treasures”


Jesus gives testimony in this Sunday’s Gospel to the courage needed by disciples. He speaks of our need for courage in times of trial. We especially need courage in times of violence, the violence that surround us and awaits us. We will need to give testimony to courage in the simplest and in the most … Continue reading “Courage”