Jesus’ Disciples Do Not Fight

Jesus is forced before Pilate who questions Jesus from a War Lord’s point of view. Pilate says, “Your own nation and chief priests handed you over to me.” But it is not Jesus’ own nation or chief priests. He never belonged to their world; it is the same world as Pilate’s. It is a world … Continue reading “Jesus’ Disciples Do Not Fight”

What Is Our Quest?

“All the chief priests and the elders took counsel against Jesus to put him to death. They bound him, led him away, and handed him over to Pilate, the governor.” “After Pilate had Jesus scourged, he handed him over to soldiers to be crucified. Then the soldiers of the governor… stripped off his clothes and … Continue reading “What Is Our Quest?”

Remember the Trees We Hugged?

Jesus and several others are talking about recent disasters. One disaster concerns the murderous ruler Pilate. He has the habit of practicing Militarism’s blood sacrifice rituals. His habit elicits a parable from Jesus about a murderous landowner who wants to kill a tree but is prevented from doing so by a gentle farmer. The bloodthirsty … Continue reading “Remember the Trees We Hugged?”


In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus is charged as a criminal and brought before Pilate. An additional man charged as a criminal and also held by Pilate is Barabbas, an insurrectionist. Why does Pilate, who manages Rome’s local police state, eventually release the criminal Barabbas and torture and murder Jesus instead? Is it possible that criminals … Continue reading “Criminals”