Millions of people will hear this Sunday’s readings in which violence will be presented to us not only as normal, but as godly. We are to “offer due sacrifice to the Lord,” meaning to kill a living being, because it is presented as “pleasing to the Lord.” Sacrifice is presented as godly “to expiate the … Continue reading “Being Groomed”
Tag: sacrifice
Animal Sacrifice
Sacrifice is the theme of Sunday’s readings. Sacrifice means the priestly ritual of “offering something (especially a life) to a deity” and thus lessen the deity’s wrath and violence. The taking of sacrificed life in death rituals, is the primary ritual of the religion of Militarism and it is practiced throughout the Old Testament. It … Continue reading “Animal Sacrifice”
The Challenge to Change Religion
Sunday’s first reading concerns child sacrifice. Yahweh wants Abraham to murder his young son, Isaac, as a test of faith. Will Abraham offer his son in a blood sacrifice ritual for Yahweh? It turns out that Abraham will. At the last moment, however, Yahweh stops Abraham but commends his willingness to obey the violent command. … Continue reading “The Challenge to Change Religion”
Shockingly Alive
Communion, also called Eucharist, is a deeply meaningful experience for disciples. It is an experience of the Real Presence of Christ. The belief can be received by others as at least peculiar if not shocking. This Sunday’s Gospel according to John shows an early example of the shock when Jesus says to listeners, “I am … Continue reading “Shockingly Alive”
Jesus makes a reference to an early snake practice in this Sunday’s Gospel. It refers to people being sick and looking upon a bronze snake to be healed: “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may … Continue reading “Snakes”
Militarism’s Blood Sacrifice System
The opening verses of Sunday’s Gospel describe an ancient and assuredly gruesome practice; blood sacrifice. Blood sacrifice of animals, even humans, has been practiced across history and long considered holy. It was practiced by the people of ancient China and India, by the Greeks, Romans, Celts, Aztecs, and still more. Readers of the Old Testament … Continue reading “Militarism’s Blood Sacrifice System”
Knowing God
John the Baptist lets us know in this Sunday’s Gospel that before Jesus’ baptism he didn’t actually know Jesus. He said it twice: “I did not know him.” There are additional instances after Jesus’ baptism that shows John didn’t entirely understand Jesus, or His mission. (Matthew 11:2-6) Though John doesn’t know Jesus, John knows the … Continue reading “Knowing God”
Sacrifice is an ancient religious ritual. It is practiced by the religion of Militarism. Throughout history, Militarists have practiced blood sacrifice on animals but also on human subjects (War is the most routine example). Jesus never practiced sacrifice rituals. He never shed the blood of any human being. He certainly never taught that sacrificing any … Continue reading “Sacrifice”