
Jesus missions disciples for an entirely new creation. He sends them out to the villages and towns to tell the people, “The kingdom of God is at hand.” Jesus has been giving witness to its counter-cultural qualities. Now, he is sending disciples out, in pairs, to give witness to them as well. In this Sunday’s Gospel three intermingled qualities stand out in the disciples commissioning; simplicity, hospitality, and peace. Disciples are to travel with the simplest of provisions – the clothes on their backs – so as to rely on the hospitality of others while they share their gift of peace with them. These and other qualities contribute to creating the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

The Kingdom of God is better translated as the Community of God. It is Jesus’ way of moving disciples, and hopefully humanity, beyond the kingdoms of false gods; empire being one example. Empire means a nation state controlled by the military that can also maintain military control in other nations too. Empire has taken over much of humanity’s identity. This is certainly true for we who live in the U.S. Empire. As disciples living in the U.S. we are tempted toward amassing wealth rather than giving witness to simplicity. We are tempted toward an enemy vigilance that dampens our inclination to be hospitable to others. Worst of all, we are tempted toward violence neglecting, if not refusing, Jesus’ gift of peace. If we decide for discipleship, we are commissioned to all humanity as brothers and sisters witnessing simplicity, hospitality, and peace.

Jesus’ disciples in the New Testament were never depicted as wealthy, hostile, or being violent, certainly not joining any nation’s military. The reason is they knew and were disciples of a quite different God, Christ, who had given them a quite different and far greater mission, peace.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, Help me to create and celebrate the peaceful Community of God.

Question: How would I describe my mission of peace?

July 7, 2013 – Gospel Luke 10:1-12 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fourth of July

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