A Monumental Ideal

When an Old Testament ruler, “Shebna, master of the palace,” is stripped of his authority, his “keys” are transferred over to another. That transfer is important to this Sunday’s Gospel account of Simon Peter recognizing Jesus as Christ. Jesus, to distinguish the Old way from his New way, responds by giving “keys” to Simon but after he renames him Peter. The name Peter means rock and is the more important connection to Shebna. Shebna misused the people’s money spending it on, among other things, a great rock that was carved as a monument to himself. Jesus’ community will not be based on an Old rock of idolatrous rule over subjects. Jesus’ community will instead be based on a New rock of faithfully recognizing Christ in our brothers and sisters.

Some white, self-titled Christians in the U.S. are currently identifying themselves with the Old rock of idolatrous rule over subjects. They want honor accorded their rock monuments. They are rock monuments of masters of the plantation who ruled over people they subjugated. Once again, self-titled Christians prove they are not Christ-like. They are guilty of the most obvious idolatry, revering a rock image as god-like while they refuse to recognize Christ in their brothers and sisters. In his partially dated book, “What’s Wrong with the World,” G. K. Chesterton offers commentary on the world’s ills. He especially asserts that what’s wrong with the world is people who have forgotten their ideals; so horribly true of these idolaters. Chesterton contends people never tire of Jesus’ idealism. Nor do people tire of those who try to live Jesus’ idealism, even if they fall short. What people tire of is self-titled Christians who will not live those ideals. “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting,” writes Chesterton, “It has been found difficult; and left untried.” It is not so difficult to try to oppose slavery, white supremacy, or Nazis. The antifa do this, but unfortunately unwisely so as some are willing to use violence. The difficulty is remembering, in the moment, to love the people, especially self titled christians who support such things as Nazism. Many supporters of supremacy and its violence seem unable or unwilling to hear facts, to see a broader perspective, to comprehend basic reasoning. In the moment we can ask ourselves if a loving heart beats within me. Am I in such moments living my ideals? The rock monuments to Shebna, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, and other masters will fall. They will be shattered in the sands of time when we live the monumental ideal of faithfully recognizing our brothers and sisters as Christ.

“I met a traveller from an antique land, who said, “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, and wrinkled lips, and sneer of cold command (are) … stamped on the lifeless things … And on the pedestal, these words appear: “My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!” Nothing beside remains. round the decay of that colossal wreck.” (Ozymandias – Percy Bysshe Shelley)

Prayer: Spirit, may I always believe love endures the ravages of time.

Question: When I open my mouth to speak truth how do I open my heart to express love?

August 27, 2017 Gospel Matthew 16:13-20 Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

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