
Worldly rulers are delusional about Jesus. They believe they need to protect themselves from him; a man who unifies, loves, and heals. Jesus understands their delusion and its violent intent. He tells disciples, “I will suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed.” Peter’s response shows he is delusional about the rulers, “God forbid.’ No such thing shall ever happen to you.” Peter’s delusions do not divert Jesus from his mission. Jesus continues to challenge rulers and their delusions.

The Gospel truth about rulers has not changed in 2,000 years, certainly not in reference to the U.S.  Rulers dominate people, make them suffer, and kill them. We cannot be delusional believing one U.S. political party rules in such a manner and the other political party and its rulers deserve our support. Supporting the Democratic Party over the Republican Party or vice versa is like supporting the Chief Priests over Pilate. All rulers are ‘Not My President.’ While granting there is an important difference in degree, all rulers are delusional and, in degree, violent. The past ruler of the Democratic Party, President Obama, ruled an empire, bolstered the vulture of capitalism, enacted a health plan designed by corporate raiders, and murdered thousands of people in drone attacks and wars. The present ruler of the Republican Party, President Trump, ruled an empire, is a vulture capitalist, a corporate raider, a cheat personally and socially, and murdered thousands in wars. He is all of these things – and he is a white supremacist neo-Nazi and he will make more people suffer and kill them. We cannot be delusional about this ruler, his cohorts, and supporters. We are active catalysts, agents for a humane world. We speak the truth about rulers and are not silent. We can talk and talk and talk some more. Talk to family, friends, neighbors, store clerks, librarians, strangers, …. Speak core truths. Communicate wise lessons. Pass along thoughtful reflections. Converse about challenging ideas. Say what you feel and what you think and what you know. Make other people think. Ask questions that interrupt their delusions. Do not be delusional yourself, thinking everything is going to be magically OK. Everything will not be magically OK.

Self-titled Christians in the U.S. who support Trump, are, either delusionally or knowledgeably, fascists in league with Neo-Nazis. They are or they want to be the ruling class and they are the killers of Christ in our age. Will we be Christs who challenge them taking the lead to unify, love, and heal?

Prayer: Spirit of Reality, guide me with a clear and wise mind.

Question: When am I silent in the face of evil?

September 3, 2017 Gospel Matthew 16:21-27 Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

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