Seeing the Light

This Sunday’s readings concern a certain lack of awareness or lessened consciousness which then shifts. Some people are initially described as overtaken by dark clouds until a fire is lit and they can then see more clearly (Genesis). Other people are described as dulled by earthly concerns until they discern the glory of God (Philippians). … Continue reading “Seeing the Light”

Lent Springs Eternal

The common understanding of Lent is a 40 day experience of giving something up. We exercise our willpower over temptation to deprive ourselves of something we like and see how we fare. While the practice may have its benefits, Lent is about so much more. Lent’s fulness is hindered by the title and misinterpretation given … Continue reading “Lent Springs Eternal”

Are We Friends With the Deep?

Jesus ventures into deep waters in this Sunday’s Gospel and wants us to come along. He begins on the shoreline teaching a variety of people who have come to listen to him. They keep pressing in so that he eventually gets into Peter’s boat off shore and teaches from slightly greater depth. He ventures still … Continue reading “Are We Friends With the Deep?”

Who’s Been Gaming the System

There’s an old joke, not so old that Jesus heard it, but old nonetheless – You can tell Monopoly is an old game because it’s got a luxury tax and it’s possible for rich people to go to jail. The possibility of either or both happening is greater in the board game than in real … Continue reading “Who’s Been Gaming the System”

La Gioia Di Buoni Vino E Buoni Amici

“A little more wine?” “I’d love some.” Who wouldn’t love a little more wine. W.C. Fields loved wine. He loved it so much he once said, “I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.” If the comedian had lived at the time of Jesus, he would have been his best friend, … Continue reading “La Gioia Di Buoni Vino E Buoni Amici”

What Is It We Expect?

Expectations are at the center of this Sunday’s readings. They are based on exclusivity and chosen people. The Old Testament reading reflects the culture of Militarism and sets up the expectation of a violent warrior who is an exclusive savior for a chosen people. The Gospel then says “the people were filled with expectation” for … Continue reading “What Is It We Expect?”

What is the Magi In Us?

Matthew’s desire to illuminate Jesus’ likely obscure birth has him pen a story of Magi visiting the manger. The Magi serve as a counter-balance to Herod. The Magi are wise, Herod foolish. The Magi are honest, Herod deceptive. The Magi bring gifts to welcome a birth, Herod devises a plot to carry out a murder. … Continue reading “What is the Magi In Us?”

How Can We Extend Our Children’s Families?

A story is told about Jesus being lost when he is 12 years old. Mary and Joseph are returning home from a festival in Jerusalem. Having journeyed for a day already, Mary and Joseph cannot find Jesus nestled in the safety of extended family members. They return to the city and after three days of … Continue reading “How Can We Extend Our Children’s Families?”

Who or What Do We Cradle This Christmas?

Two life-giving women, Mary and Elizabeth, come together in this Sunday’s Gospel. They are cradling within and between themselves the power of life. They respond to each other from that power: “At the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy.” For Christmas to be a … Continue reading “Who or What Do We Cradle This Christmas?”