As important as justice might seem for disciples it gives way to the more important virtue of love. This truth is exemplified in Sunday’s Gospel when John the Baptist gives way to Jesus. John revealed a just God. John’s god was concerned with denouncing sinners and cleansing the world of evil. As it was time … Continue reading “Love and Justice”
Strong and Weak
The Magi seek one they believe is born to wisdom. They are strong in their conviction, travelling possibly thousands of miles to find the child. They are therefore also strong physically to make the journey and strong emotionally to keep at it. Being strong they are not deterred by a weak King, Herod, who is … Continue reading “Strong and Weak”
Family is indeed under assault by the U.S. culture. Though not by the forces its conservative members assert. Family is not under assault by people who love each other, no matter their gender or ethnicity, their religion or lack thereof. People who love each other teach us how to care, how to be compassionate, and … Continue reading “Family”
How Unbelievable is Our Belief?
The risks of giving birth are almost unbelievable. So many things have to go just right in the life of the growing baby and in the life of the mother. In the case of Mary of Nazareth she begins her birthing saga as an unwed mother. Joseph is initially a less than certain partner in … Continue reading “How Unbelievable is Our Belief?”
Fertility is one meaning of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It is recognized in the sash tied across Mary’s waist indicating she is pregnant. Mary’s feast fits well as a celebration during the Advent season when we are all awaiting new life. The feast celebrates the pregnant Mary’s fruitful appearance to a poor … Continue reading “Fertility”
Conception, a natural consideration in this season awaiting a baby’s birth, is not considered this Sunday. It is displaced by a warning from John the Baptist as the Gospel reading. Quite unfortunate, as today, December 8th, is a specific day celebrating conception. It is Mary’s Immaculate Conception. The festive celebration of Mary’s conception happens in … Continue reading “Conception”
Giving Birth To Christ
Advent is a time of pregnancy in which we are patiently waiting with a pregnant Mary each year. As she prepared to give birth to Jesus so we too prepare to give birth to the Christ child in our world. Meister Eckhart, a 14th century mystic, wrote: “What good is it if this eternal birth … Continue reading “Giving Birth To Christ”
Jesus is no king. Kings however, would like us to believe he is. The king of the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, instituted a feast day in 1925 proclaiming Jesus a king. Pope Pius XI did so in an attempt to encourage disciples to transcend earthly kings and the nationalism they were ratcheting up in … Continue reading “Kings”
Jesus gives testimony in this Sunday’s Gospel to the courage needed by disciples. He speaks of our need for courage in times of trial. We especially need courage in times of violence, the violence that surround us and awaits us. We will need to give testimony to courage in the simplest and in the most … Continue reading “Courage”
New Life
All the world rejoices in the birthing of new life. The faith of followers of Jesus flows from such joy. It is the joy of birth and of rebirth, the Resurrection. The Resurrection is a topic in this Sunday’s Gospel. It proposes that every birth and every rebirth flow from a life-giving Spirit. One celebration … Continue reading “New Life”