Aware of Love

An old joke about lawyers shows how legal complexities can render us unaware, dangerously so. Two lawyers were out hunting when they came upon tracks. The first lawyer declared them to be deer tracks but the second insisted they must be elk tracks. They were still arguing when the train hit them. So it is … Continue reading “Aware of Love”

Beyond Justice and Mercy to Compassion

When Thomas professes a lack of faith in Jesus rising from the dead he’s actually professing faith in something else. Thomas already believes in justice and mercy, and their many gods. Justice is invented and dispensed by militarists; chief priests, elders, Pilates, and other such gods. Their justice consists of writing unjust laws for the … Continue reading “Beyond Justice and Mercy to Compassion”

Love and Justice

As important as justice might seem for disciples it gives way to the more important virtue of love. This truth is exemplified in Sunday’s Gospel when John the Baptist gives way to Jesus. John revealed a just God. John’s god was concerned with denouncing sinners and cleansing the world of evil. As it was time … Continue reading “Love and Justice”