Free and Fulfilled

“Ezra the priest brought the Law before the assembly” who had just returned home after a long captivity. He stood “on a wooden platform” “higher up than any of the people.” The people “bowed down and prostrated themselves …(and) Ezra read plainly from the Book of the Law of God.” Centuries later Jesus stands before … Continue reading “Free and Fulfilled”

What is Our Consciousness?

Sunday’s readings show consciousness of a culture’s laws. It begins with a consciousness of the Ten Commandments, then consciousness of the Levitical priesthood and its judgment of many laws, and finally the consciousness of a scribe who questions Jesus about all law. Jesus violated his culture’s laws. Law is used to control and oppress people. … Continue reading “What is Our Consciousness?”

Aware of Love

An old joke about lawyers shows how legal complexities can render us unaware, dangerously so. Two lawyers were out hunting when they came upon tracks. The first lawyer declared them to be deer tracks but the second insisted they must be elk tracks. They were still arguing when the train hit them. So it is … Continue reading “Aware of Love”

Well-Formed Conscience Well-Formed Law

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Matthew, writing to a Jewish audience, has Jesus say, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.” (Mt 5:17) The line is misinterpreted and isolated to diminish the revolution of Jesus’ Good News. As such, it … Continue reading “Well-Formed Conscience Well-Formed Law”

Executing Christianity

The woman caught in adultery is a well-known Gospel story. Perhaps we have heard it too often to any longer feel its terror. Officials are purposeful about ragging a frightened woman into public to execute a death penalty plan against her. They put her on display in the Temple area. They intend murder and set … Continue reading “Executing Christianity”

Sacred and Profane

Jesus cleanses the Temple in today’s Gospel reading. The Temple represents a division instituted by religion, specifically the division between Divinity and the natural world. Gods were once believed synonymous with the forces of nature. Those forces could be deadly and were feared. So too the gods assigned to the forces were deadly and feared, … Continue reading “Sacred and Profane”

Old and New

The longer version of this Sunday’s Gospel includes a reference Jesus made to the law. Jesus says he has not come to abolish the law and that not the smallest letter of the law would not pass away. He was not however referring to the Old Testament law of Moses. Jesus already abolished that old … Continue reading “Old and New”