
Jesus calls himself “the Good Shepherd.” He contrasts that witness with a hired man, “A hired man… whose sheep are not his own, sees a wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away, and the wolf catches and scatters them.” Institutional christianity is the hired man in the story above. It is unfortunately hired … Continue reading “Civilians”

Lifting Up Soldiers from the Abuse of War

Jeremiah writes of a War Lord, a Soldier Master, Yahweh, who claims to love his “chosen people,” and “will write his law upon their hearts.” But then the War Lord Yahweh says, “they broke my covenant, and I had to show myself their master.” The people are shown as holy for accepting enslavement, abuse, and … Continue reading “Lifting Up Soldiers from the Abuse of War”

Youth Are Not Being Radicalized, They Are Being Soldiered

“God put Abraham to the test.” Take your “son Isaac… and offer him up as a holocaust.” “Abraham… took the knife to slaughter his son.” But God said, “Do not lay your hand on the boy.” “I know now how devoted you are.” Abraham’s tribe is transfigured by his action on a mountaintop. A people … Continue reading “Youth Are Not Being Radicalized, They Are Being Soldiered”


“Let the scoundrel forsake his way,” says Isaiah. A scoundrel is a wicked person who causes division, for example, through supremacy. Jesus tells a parable about men working with others at a task but who then become scoundrels; ‘on receiving their fair wage they grumbled.’ They cause division by acting as supremacists over their co-workers. … Continue reading “Scoundrels”


“I let myself be duped,” acknowledges Jeremiah in the first reading. He knows who duped him, “You duped me O Lord.” Being duped by Lords, earthly ones who invent heavenly ones, is unfortunately rather common. Jesus in the Gospel is therefore educating disciples about Lords and not to be duped by them, “Jesus began to … Continue reading “Duped”

Anti-Abortion: Different Means and Ends

“You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my community, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.” You are Mary, and upon this beloved I will build my community. You are Perpetua and Felicity, and upon this endurance and happiness I will build my community. You are Hans and … Continue reading “Anti-Abortion: Different Means and Ends”

The Climate of Militarism

Affirming nature, its beauty and goodness, is the long term pattern, or climate, of the Gospel. Jesus’ words and actions create an atmosphere of communion with nature. He shows gratitude for the gifts of nature. The Gospel climate of affirming nature is especially true in Jesus’ parable of The Sower this Sunday. The parable tells … Continue reading “The Climate of Militarism”

A Red Flag

Jesus is telling the crowds, “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.” Those listening quarrel at the thought. Who would not put up a red flag after that? A red flag is used to warn of danger. When Jesus speaks of … Continue reading “A Red Flag”

What Is Our Quest?

“All the chief priests and the elders took counsel against Jesus to put him to death. They bound him, led him away, and handed him over to Pilate, the governor.” “After Pilate had Jesus scourged, he handed him over to soldiers to be crucified. Then the soldiers of the governor… stripped off his clothes and … Continue reading “What Is Our Quest?”