How Can We Change the Climate This Christmas Season?

The Advent/Christmas season begins with the Gospel forecasting an apocalyptic event. It uses symbolic language to convey its seriousness: “There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on earth nations will be in dismay.” Jesus describes a climate of distress apparent socially and personally (he’s facing his own suffering and … Continue reading “How Can We Change the Climate This Christmas Season?”

Baptism: Immersion in Water, Spirit, or Blood

This Sunday’s Gospel describes John’s water baptism of repentance, and the deity who seemingly requires it. The Gospel also describes John’s baptism being transcended. Humanity is invited instead into an immersion in Jesus’ revelation of Divinity as a gentle Spirit; peaceful and loving: “the Spirit, like a dove, descended upon Jesus: And a voice came … Continue reading “Baptism: Immersion in Water, Spirit, or Blood”

People Getting What They Deserve

Someone getting what they deserve has an ominous tone to it. While it could indicate someone being rewarded, the sound of it feels more like someone is suffering as payback. Whichever the case, people getting what they deserve signifies an exacting judgment to ensure fairness. Jesus’ parable this Sunday is about a landowner who doesn’t … Continue reading “People Getting What They Deserve”


Decisiveness attracts us. We like its energy. We admire its strength. We’re drawn to people who exhibit it, especially in times of crisis. Even if the decision made is horrendous, we find ourselves holding the decider in high regard. For example, U.S. citizens reacted so to George Bush’s decision to invade Iraq after the Saudi’s … Continue reading “Decisiveness”


Peace is Jesus’ way. It is his gift to everyone: “Peace be with you.” Those who want to learn from Jesus, receive the gift of peace and share it with others. One sign of our doing so is our willingness to be at peace, as Jesus was, with different people. Our differences with people might … Continue reading “Peacemaking”