Moses, Elijah, and Muhammad; Not Jesus

Similar to a previous peacemaker, Gautama Buddha, Christ Jesus creates a seismic shift in human history. This Sunday’s Transfiguration is one expression of that shift. Its seismic nature however is not appreciated by Biblical fundamentalists who write commentaries on the event. They diminish both Jesus and the Transfiguration. They do so by interpreting both as … Continue reading “Moses, Elijah, and Muhammad; Not Jesus”


Jesus’ Transfiguration reveals humanity glorified as Divine. The event involved Moses and Elijah. Both men have a previous association with trans-figuration. They are Biblical promoters of Militarism, an ancient and still pervasive religion that trans-figured humanity. Militarism’s trans-figuring involved trans-figuring warlords into deities. These trans-figured warriors were then worshiped by their cultures as gods. As … Continue reading “Transfigured”